Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Muhammad and Jesus Compared 5

Thus with Muhammad and Jesus, we have two significant leaders whose words, although very different, are still impacting our world today. 

Muhammad claimed he was a prophet for Allah, and his followers say that his message supersedes that of all other prophets.

Jesus, on the other hand claimed to be more than a prophet. He said he existed before the universe was created, and that he is one with God the Father. His followers believed his words because they saw him alive after his death.

Other than the Qur’an, Muhammad left us no proof that his message was from God. His followers claim that the Qur’an is a miracle needing no proof or evidence. 

However, Jesus reportedly backed up his words and claims with a feat that would have been impossible unless God had done it. 

To his followers, it was his bodily resurrection from the dead that convinced them his words are true. 

They went everywhere proclaiming Jesus' claims to be true, even at the cost of their own lives.

If Jesus did rise from the dead, then he is the only man able to tell us what is on the other side. 

Did he tell us that we face an uncertain future after we die? Or did Jesus promise that we can be forgiven and accepted into the loving arms of God? 

Discover what Jesus said in “Why Jesus?

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