Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Muhammad and Jesus Compared 4

Comparing Muhammad and Jesus

Muhammad was a charismatic leader who successfully replaced much of the rampant idolatry of his time with the worship of Allah. Although he taught that Jesus was a true prophet, Muhammad didn’t accept him as the Son of God or the savior of men. He rejected Jesus’ message of love, forgiveness, and grace, in favor of obedience to the rules of Islam.
Muhammad’s essential message was one of submission and servitude to Allah. He taught that those who believe in the Qur’an and do righteous deeds will be rewarded after death, but those who disbelieve (infidels) and fail to obey Islam’s Five Pillars will suffer severe punishment. Therefore, our eternal status is based upon our deeds rather than God’s forgiveness and grace.
Jesus Christ brought a completely different message. He said those who believe in him are sons of God rather than slaves. And our hope for eternal life is based upon his sacrificial death alone, rather than our own deeds. Jesus said that those who truly put their faith in him are completely forgiven of all their sins, and have peace with God and purpose for living. And they will discover new power to live for him.

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